Drum & Bass Events

Drum and Bass Events around the UK and Europe

Drum & Bass Events

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Popular Drum & Bass Artists

Your Source for Drum & Bass

Most Drum & Bass event pages provide only a limited selection, which is often hard to find on many of the larger events sites. Dnbrave was created to provide ravers the most complete and simple guide to upcoming events. Easily search Drum & Bass events by date, location, artist and sub-genre. Results are displayed in a simple list view and can be viewed directly on google maps. Some specific ways to use the site are listed below:

Browse all Drum and Bass events in the UK (and DNB Festivals around Europe): Browse Events

Find Drum and Bass events in your area: Local Events 

Add your own Drum and Bass Event to our site with ‘Create Event’ in the menu or click here: Create Event

You can also simply send us a link to an event if you don’t want to upload manually: Missing Event Form

We regularly publish our favourite Drum and Bass releases which you can listen to here: Listen to New Drum and Bass Releases

We have an ever growing source of Drum and Bass classic tracks, listen here: Listen to Classic Drum and Bass Playlist

To recommend a track for either the new release radar or classics database please submit here: Tracklist Suggestions

To search other sources for upcoming Drum and Bass events you can find links to Skiddle, Deftickets, TheList and Jungle Drum & Bass with the Drum & Bass genre filter enabled on this page: Other Drum & Bass Event Sources

Popular Drum & Bass Locations